Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Six Months!

It's hard to believe, but Ridley Dexter Holland is already six months old! We went to the doctor today for his six month check up, and he's now 27.5 inches tall and weighs 17 pounds, 10 ounces. What a big boy! 

So how does the world's cutest baby spend his time these days?

Well, he's working hard at learning to crawl. He pushes himself up on his hands very well, and occasionally on both his hands and his knees. But the he gets really excited and flops down on his belly and wiggles his arms and lefs like he's trying to swim. 

Ridley has also gotten quite good at sitting up. He doesn't usually do it for very long though before going back to playing on his belly. 

And Ridley has also been introduced to the delicious world of vegetables! He now gets to eat carrots and will soon be trying sweet potatoes. 

Carrots are not only delcious, but they are super fun to play with as well!

1 comment:

LibraryLady said...

He looks like he really enjoyed the carrots!~ Another new sensation of flavor and texture. Yum!