Thursday, June 11, 2009


Ridley has been sleeping fitfully for nearly a week now. This, of course, translates to much lost sleep for me as well. 
So, of course, it figures that on the first night he actually sleeps well, I still would not be able to fall asleep nearly two hours after going to bed. 
This is much to Tweak's delight of course, since I have know abandoned the notion that simply being in bed will bring about sleep. No, I am sitting on my couch, soft kitten next to me, in hopes that my inability to sleep won't bother Josh. 
When I think about how tired I will be at work tomorrow, it depresses and exhausts me. Being tired and being home with Ridley is one thing, but being that tired and chained to a desk under florescent lights is another "can of worms," as they say. 

So here is my plan:
Snuggle with Tweak a bit more. 
Go back to bed, where hopefully sleep will be waiting. 
Use my handy iPod set to shuffle and high volume as a means of keeping awake at work tomorrow. Hopefully my iPod will be in a "hard rock" mood and not a "classical music" mood. Or worse "Ridley's lullaby CDs" mood.

Good night. And good luck. To me :)