Wednesday, July 16, 2008

24 (No Jack Bauer, sorry!)

Yes, we are now 24 weeks along! Only 16 weeks to go until our due date!

The baby and I went to our 24-week check-up on Monday. All is well: strong heartbeat for the baby, and a rise in my blood pressure. That's a good thing though because it puts my blood pressure into the "normal" range. We have four more weeks until our next visit, but after that we'll be visiting the doctor a bit more frequently.

Monday was also the second night of childbirth prep class. While the first week was full of talking and videos, for the second class we got to spend some time practicing relaxation techniques, including massage and breathing exercises. We also got to sample some of the aromatherapy lotions Lakeview offers.

Yes, our hospital offers aromatherapy as an option to laboring moms. They also encourage hydrotherapy (shower/bathtub), use of yoga balls, walking, music, and massage (among other things) for pain and labor management. Don't worry - they have epidurals and other drugs too!

As many have requested... here are some pictures of my belly and the baby. The ultrasound pictures are from June 11, so we were 19 weeks along then.

This is me on Monday (so it's very recent!):

Here is a profile picture of the baby (sorry it's sideways! I don't know how to change it!):

And here is one of his (or her) hand:

1 comment:

LibraryLady said...

Hi Baby,

Gramma Heidi loves you already. Grow steadily and healthy -- we'll see you soon enough.